Due to the impacts of COVID-19, Aggieland Humane is still accepting owner surrender application but currently have extremely limited availability.
If you find a stray pet, contact your local animal control and provide the pets location and description. You can share this information with your local shelter or rescue group too.
Bringing your pet to the Aggieland Humane Society can be a difficult decision to make. We would like you to know that we understand how hard it can be to relinquish a beloved pet and appreciate your choice to surrender your animal responsibly so that he or she will be safe and humanely cared for.
If you have found a pet in Brazos County, please see our “Found Pet” page.
If it is time to part with your beloved pet visit our Euthanasia Request page for more information.
As a private, nonprofit organization dependent on community contributions, we request a donation when an animal is admitted to us.
Reservation Required for Owner Surrender and Out of (Brazos) County Pets
Animals will be taken in by reservation only, based on available space, which will be made on a first come, first served basis. If you would like to make a reservation, please fill out one of the owner surrender forms below and email or fax it to the office.
Please note that your application will be considered incomplete without a photo of the animal(s) and any veterinary records (if applicable). We cannot consider your application without these items.
email: intake@aggielandhumane.org
fax:(979) 822-0411
If an animal is deemed not adoptable at the time of their reservation, the person who brought the animal in is given the following options: to keep the pet and/or to take the animal to a veterinarian for treatment, to seek placement at a local animal shelter or rescue group or owner requested euthanasia.
For more information on surrendering animals, please call 979-775-5755.
Click Here To E-mail Us Your Forms or Questions
Options Before You Surrender Your Pet
The top two reasons people surrender their animals to shelters are because the pet’s family is relocating or the animal is having behavior issues.
If you are relocating…
Try to find housing that allows pets. Craigslist is a great resource that can make your housing search much easier. You can search for housing that accepts dogs, cats, or both. Don’t forget to check local papers for classified ads or call realtors and property management companies. Some offer no-fee apartments that allow pets.
Moving to another country? International quarantine requirements have become much less stringent than they used to be. Some countries no longer even require a quarantine period for animals traveling from the U.S. A terrific website for pet immigration and quarantine information is PetTravel.com. They list requirements for over 100 countries!
If your pet has behavior issues…
Don’t give up! Professional and experienced trainers are available to help you here in the Brazos Valley.