Tips For Finding A Lost Pet

If you live in College Station or Brazos County,

please call Aggieland Humane Society at 979-775-5755

If you live in the City of Bryan,

please call the Bryan Animal Center at 979-209-5260

There is no single place to post missing pet information, so please be diligent and explore all the resources below.

In Brazos County, strays are transferred to AgHS from animal control officers. AgHS does not pick up animals, AgHS has contracts with the city and county governments to house strays. If you have question for an animal control officer, please contact your police department.

  • Have a current ID tag on your pet.
  • Keep contact information current with your veterinarian so “finders” can easily locate you.
  • Ask your pet care providers to join Dog Detective so they receive alerts about missing pets.  See details below in Online Resources.
  • Microchip your pet and keep contact information current. Aggieland Humane Society microchip fee: $25 with current rabies certificate
  • License your pet with Brazos County which provides:
    • 24 hour phone number for lost and found – Call: 979.775.6094
    • extended impound for tagged pets (10 days instead of 3)
    • reduced impound fee for pets with current license

  • Post signs at intersections within a 2 mile area of where pet was lost. In addition, post signs at grocery stores, community centers, pet stores, veterinary offices, churches and apartment complex laundromats. If possible have photo on the signs and fliers.
  • Advertise in newspapers and check “Lost and Found” for at least three months.  The Eagle runs free lost ads for one week, free found ads for two weeks: 979.776.7355, ; The Battalion: 979.845.0569,
  • Visit and file a lost pet report with Aggieland Humane Society and call your Animal Control officers:

Aggieland Humane Society, 5359 Leonard Rd., Bryan, Tx 77801
979.775.5755 , FAX 979.822.0411

College Station Animal Control: 979.764.3600
Bryan Animal Control: 979.361.3888
Brazos County Sheriff Animal Control: 979.361.3888
City of Bryan Animal Care Center 979.209.5260

  • Notify the police if you believe that your pet may have been stolen:

College Station PD:  979.764.3600
Bryan PD:  979.209.5300
Brazos County Sheriff:  979.361.4100

  • Search the neighborhood. Walk, ride a bicycle or drive slowly through area several times each day. A lost pet may hide during the day, so be sure to go out again at night with a flashlight and call for him.
  • Ask neighbors, letter carriers and delivery people if they have seen your dog, cat or pet.  Give them a copy of your flier with contact info and photo.  Some neighborhoods have email listings that can be used to spread the word.
  • If lost anywhere near a busy highway or road, contact your local transportation department, to see if a car has hit your pet.
  • Contact veterinary clinics both in your area and surrounding areas. An animal could be injured, rescued and taken out of the area in any direction for some distance.

      Texas A&M Small Animal Clinic: 979.845.2351

  • Leave items with a familiar scent outside your home, or place pet was lost or sighted. A litter box, pet bed or a sweatshirt recently worn by a loved one can attract a pet who has strayed and become disoriented.
  • Online Resources:  Post information about your missing pet online. Include complete description, details of how, when, where pet went missing, contact information to get in touch with you, a photo if possible.  Keep posting updated with sightings, news, concerns, etc.

Don’t Give Up

Don’t give up your search – even when you have little hope. Dogs, cats and all animals who have been lost for months have been reunited with their families. If you find your dog, cat or pet, make certain to inform all places you contacted and remove flyers. Otherwise, valuable time is wasted which could be used for animals who are still lost.