Join the Inspiring Legacies Circle – Let us know we are in your Will or Estate Plan
What is Charitable Planned Giving?
Charitable planned giving refers to the process of making a charitable gift of estate assets to one or more nonprofit organizations, a gift that requires consideration and planning in light of the donor’s overall estate plan. The most effective way of making a charitable gift is to plan the gift so it achieves as many personal objectives as possible.
Benefits to the Donor:
- Make a more significant gift than would otherwise be possible.
- Estate planning of a general nature
- Shelter current income through substantial tax deductions.
- Opportunity to establish a living memorial for yourself or someone special to you
- May provide retirement income
- Possibility to reduce federal estate taxes and probate expenses
- The satisfaction of leaving a legacy of saving lives
Benefits to the homeless animal community:
- Freedom from abuse and neglect well into the future
- A chance to be adopted into a loving and caring family
- To have a loving place for healing
Benefits to the Aggieland Humane Society:
- Possibility of larger gifts to support our mission of providing humane care and placement for homeless and abandoned pets and promoting responsible pet ownership
- Help in planning for the future
- Build endowment to fund growth and expansion
- Secure operation by stabilizing future budgets
- Provide a source of sustainable funding
- Assure that unwanted pets will continue to have an opportunity for a second chance at life in the years ahead
- Provide the satisfaction of having helped others to effectively plan their estates and care for pets in need
Types of Charitable Planned Gifts
A person may include a provision in his or her Will or Living Trust to make a bequest to a charitable organization. That arrangement would be a “planned” gift. A gift in a Will, Will Codicil or Trust could be in the form of cash, securities, real estate or personal property, or as a percentage of the estate. If you currently have a Will, you can make arrangement to add a gift through a Will Codicil.
Gift Annuity
One deferred gift instrument is the charitable gift annuity. This is popular with many donors because it represents a lifetime contract between the donor and a charity, and because it is relatively simple to understand and establish. Simply, it’s an irrevocable transfer of cash or appreciated property to Aggieland Humane Society and in return the donor receives a guaranteed lifetime annuity of a fixed amount each year.
Charitable Trusts
A person might establish a charitable trust that could provide income to the donor (or someone else) for a period of time (often for life). After this gift-deferral period, the trust would mature and the remaining assets would go to one or more charitable beneficiaries.
Appreciated Property
This is a gift of securities, real or personal property, which has increased in value since date of acquisition, given outright to Aggieland Humane Society or as the funding asset for a lifetime income plan.
Life Insurance
A person may wish to name Aggieland Humane Society as the beneficiary of an existing policy which is no longer needed for the donor’s original purpose, or to purchase a new policy making Aggieland Humane Society the owner or beneficiary.
Did You Know…
- that bequests can take many forms? One may bequeath a specific amount of money or property; a specified percentage of the estate; or all or part of the residue of the estate – the assets remaining after debts and specific bequests have been satisfied.
- that donors receive a lifetime of income from both gift annuities and charitable trusts? Both provide income to the donor for his or her lifetime, then the remaining amount in the fund is transferred to Aggieland Humane Society.
- that our nation’s tax laws offer special incentives for gifts of non-cash property, such as securities or property? This is especially true if the property has increased in value since acquisition.
- that you pay no capital gains tax on the appreciation of securities that are donated to Aggieland Humane Society? You also receive an income tax deduction for the full market value of the gift.
- that you can give property outright or retain rights to ownership for a set period? This may be attractive to a donor considering leaving property to Aggieland Humane Society through a Will, but would like to transfer the gift now to receive the income tax advantages and increase cash flow.
- that there are two ways to donate life insurance? The first one is to make the Aggieland Humane Society the owner of the policy. This allows you an immediate charitable tax deduction. The second option is making Aggieland Humane Society the beneficiary of the policy. When you name Aggieland Humane Society as the beneficiary of your policy, it does not entitle you to any immediate tax savings, but you will qualify later for an estate tax charitable deduction.