What is a Barn Cat?
A barn cat is simply an outdoor cat that is not interested in living in a home, but more interested in life outside! Barn cats can range anywhere from feral to friendly, depending on what the adopter is looking for.
We recommend having a barn or other secure outdoor structures that can serve as a safe place for your barn cat to hang out.
Please note, we do NOT accept cats into this program through our surrender program.
Cats placed into our Barn Cat Program fall into three main categories. Please consider these categories when submitting your application:
Semi- Friendly
o Hisses or growls at approach, may spit or swipe
o Not able to be handled
o Will run away if sees a person
o May meow at humans
o Not able to be handled, will allow approach but no touch
o May hiss or swipe if handled
o Meows and purrs at humans
o Will approach humans
o Typically can’t be held, but pettable
Barn placement is the last chance at life for these cats. Without barn adopters, they have nowhere else to go. If you have a working barn or safe, heated building, you have the perfect setup for a barn cat!
These cats will be helping you keep down the rodent population, while you provide them a safe place to live. And, because these cats are already spayed or neutered, you won’t have to worry about endless litters of kittens appearing.
What We Provide
All cats available for adoption to barns are spayed or neutered, vaccinated and FIV/FeLV tested. When you adopt a barn cat, we will go over with you how to acclimate your new cat to the barn and make them feel at home.
Barn Cats do not have an adoption fee with the exception of an optional microchip costing $25. Adoption includes:
Rabies Vaccination
FVRCP Vaccination
What You Need
The farm or barn owners who adopt the cats agree to give them:
Shelter in a barn, outbuilding, warehouse, or stable
Daily food and water- cats cannot live on mousing alone.
Long-term veterinary care, as needed (they’re neutered and vaccinated now).
A secure place to keep them for the first 2-3 weeks, while they acclimate to your barn. This can be a tack room or any secure indoor enclosure that they cannot escape from.